Protein balls with oats and dates

From time to time I feel the need to eat something sweet and how I am trying to avoid sweets, that are full of calories and with tons of sugar, it’s pretty hard for me to find something at the supermarket that is neither very caloric, nor with too much sugar.

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In the last months I have been working out at the gym and before training I feel the need to eat something that will give me the energy to resist the effort. We all know that protein bars from supermarkets are full of sugar and other fals ingredients, so I always try to make at home such bars or what I will show you today: protein balls. By the way, on this blog I have a super simple recipe for no-bake protein bars. See the recipe HERE

These protein balls are delicious and extremely easy to make. They are ideal in the morning when you’re on the run and don’t have time to eat anything, before or after working out at the gym to give you energy or to recover after effort.

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What’s great about this recipe?

It is made out of natural ingredients, I didn’t add sugar because they will be sweet enough from dates, oats are a source of complex carbohydrates, which provide energy to the body and fiber that gives a feeling of satiety. Not to mention the these oats are packed with a good amount of protein too.

We can find protein and healthy fats in hemp and chia seeds. Carob powder is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. I really wanted to mention some benefits of each ingredient that I used in the recipe because many of you sent me messages in which you told me that you love when I say a few nutritional information at each recipe.

Are you curious how I made these no-bake protein balls?
250-300 gr. oats
200 gr. pitted dates
2 tablespoons of coconut flakes + extra for decoration
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of hemp seed
1 tablespoon carob powder (you can also use cocoa)
1 tablespoon of rum essence
Pinch of salt
* Dates can be replace with peanut butter
** If you have, for an extra protein, you can add powdered protein

bilute proteice (protein balls)
First, let hydrate the dates in luke warm water for about 30 minute. After they are hydrated, strain the water, but keep it because you will need it later in this recipe.

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Put the oats in a food processor and pulse 2-3 times to grind a bit the oats. Transfer the oats in a bowl together with the chia, hemp seeds, coconut flakes, carob powder and a pinch of salt.

In the same blender, put the dates and blend them until they take the form of a paste. I also added 2 tablespoons from water in which the dates stood to help the blender at mixing them.

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Transfer the paste in the bowl over the oats, add 1 tablespoon of rum essence and mix very well the composition with your hand.

How do you know that the composition is perfect? It should have a smooth and sticky texture, and if you take the composition in you hands, the whole mixture will stuck together.

You can form the balls in what size you want, then put them on a plate. You can leave them just like that, or you can sprinkle them with coconut flakes.

Leave them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving.

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I keep them in the refrigerator in a casserole. They can stay a few days in the fridge. You can also store them in the freezer.

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